Tuesday, July 27, 2010

On Friday, Alan and I went to Malta after he was done with work. The good news of the day is that his house is sold!! Stayed with niece, Anna and husband Tom. We watched The Three Amigos and little did I know how important that was going to be for the rest of t he weekend. Saturday morning we went to Glasgow to visit John and Mary and their family. John is celebrating a milestone birthday and all of their kids were home. John thought the party was out to dinner on Saturday, but it was really a full blown surprise party on Sunday with The Thee Amigos as the theme. Everytime you turned around two or three were huddled making plans—it is a wonder he didn’t suspect. When they were at church, Alan and I made Mexican Wedding cakes. Later Sunday morning, John and Andy and Marcie and David went to do something in the country. The kitchen became a whirl of activity making tamales, burrito filling, chopping for fajitas and salsas. In the afternoon, we convinced John that I wanted to go to the play. When we returned the yard had been transformed with paper flowers, piƱatas,and a painted scene from the movies by Tess. The yard was full of people and he really was surprised. All evening things happened that came from the movie including a random plane overhead that was quickly dubbed the male plane. The girls entertained with some movie lines and singing Little Buttercup. They have so much talent in the family and pulling this off was a team effort.
I’m writing this on the train heading back to Lake Stevens. Will post this when I get home as there is no wireless on the train. I did get home--train ride was long, but uneventful.

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