Thursday, September 16, 2010

On to Bismarck ND

Before I catch you up on our travels, a hint for following the blog. Notice in the toolbar just above the title. If you click on follow this blog and sign up, you will get an e-mail when I do a new post that way you don't have to remember to check.
We stayed with Alan until Tuesday afternoon. We didn't do anything special, just spent time together.
Tuesday we went to Glasgow to visit John and Mary (John is my brother). We had a good visit that evening. The next morning Mary had gotten John's cold so she was out of the loop for most of the day. Don and I started the day by meeting Sue Dalby for coffee. Sue is a former student and ball player from Cottonwood. It was great to see her and to catch up.
Later we went out to the farm and to the pasture where John keeps his cows are for the summer. Montana is quite green for this time of year. The river is up from all the rain. In the evening, I met my cousin, Kathy for wine and a dessert called Baked Hot Chocolate--now there is a recipe I'm going to spend sometime figuring out--yummy!!
This morning (Thursday)we drove to Nashua and picked up my cousin, Jean and went out to Grandpa Peterson's farm and to the Grain Lutheran Church. Grandpa helped build it and I was baptized there. Little country church that has weathered the storms since 1929.Jean filled in some family history along the way. I found out that one of her daughter-in-laws makes art quilts with thread. Some are published in a book. There is seven miles of thread in one of the quilts!
We continued the day into North Dakota, stopping in Williston for lunch. At Gramma Sharon's you can get pie and coffee for $2.25--what a deal. We stopped in Washburn and the Lewis and Clark interpetive center and Fort Mandan. The centers were closed but we walked around and took pictures. At Fort Mandan we found a park called Fahlgren (my maiden name) Park. We were surprised and had to go investigate. It was given to the city in memory of Stan Fahlgren by his wife. I think he was a cousin of my Dad's. Be a great place for a family gathering.
Tommorrow we continue toward Iowa City.

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